Travel Tips
Hallows’ Eve is right around the corner, are you ready to discover the 12 Spookiest Destinations to Celebrate Halloween in Europe this year? I’m not talking about locations for tacky children's parties, games of bobbing for apples, or trick-or-treating. Although the thought of those old style Halloween traditions... Read More
Travel Tips
Rome, a wondrous city full of countless contrasts. Stunning historical ruins, age-old monuments, and underground treasures showcase what once was ancient Rome. Traditional eateries, vibrant culture, and many must-see... Read More
Travel Tips
Get the most out of your holiday and take a second and read through our list of things to know before traveling to Barcelona. 1. Catalonia is not SpainOkay, it is really. But, it's a tricky situation, especially... Read More
Travel Tips
The thunderous sound of hooves is barely audible over the roar of the crowd. You catch glimpses of multi-colored helmets bobbing up and down. The firm twist of reins pulls horses around treacherously steep corners. The crowds roar louder. The falter of a hoof, the slip of a jockey, the quick, sharp crack of a horse crop all add to the electrifying excitement and atmosphere that makes up the Palio horse race.
“Take with you to the... Read More