Lazio comprises of Roma, Rieti, Frosinone, Latina, and Viterbo provinces and lies on the western coast of central Italy. However, its “centrality” is not just a question of geography. As the official seat of the government, it serves as the hive of the Italian political life.
Furthermore, since the Vatican City stands guard over Rome from one of its seven hills, it’s religious a heart of the country. And, last but not least, thanks to its many preserved sites, landmarks, and monuments, it is also one of Italy’s central tourist destinations. While the west coast borders with the Tyrrhenian Sea, the east is rimmed by the central Apennines with Mount Terminillo towering to impressive 2216 m.
To the northwest and southeast of Rome rise four ancient volcanoes: the Volsini, Cimini, Sabatini, and Albani; each of them contains at least one or more stunning crater lakes. Needless to mention, Lazio is in possession of stunning natural beauty protected under national parks and natural reserves.
As per agriculture, produce such as wheat, vegetables, fruit, corn, meat, and dairy dominate in the lowlands of Lazio while vineyards and olive groves cover its countless slopes. Rome, also called the Eternal City, is the region’s commercial and banking hub but has very little industry (apart from the specific artisan industries like fashion).
Rome in combination with the Vatican City forms the largest tourist center in the whole of Italy. It’s no surprise! Both of these destinations boast of ancient ruins, captivating excavations sites, architectural wonders, and priceless works of art. Other essential tourist resorts can be found along the coast, in the Alban Hills, and the Apennines.
All in all, Lazio region boasts with all, natural, historical, as well as artistic treasures. In fact, you are likely to struggle to decide on the things to in Lazio during your holidays. You can choose to unravels the mysteries surrounding the
Colosseum; throw a coin into forever-romantic Trevi fountain; visit the spas in Fiuggi or Tivoli; go skiing in top-notch ski resorts of Terminillo, Arcinazzo, and Leonessa; or, perhaps, trek, bike or hike in the local mountains. To help you make the right decision, check out the articles below!