The Festa Major de la Barceloneta is soon upon us, and if you are looking for things to do in Barcelona in September, this should definitely be on the itinerary. Barcelona in September abounds with festivals, the largest of which is undoubtedly La Merce. But, if you’re after an equally raucous festival with a more... Read More
Get the most out of your holiday and take a second and read through our list of things to know before traveling to Barcelona. 1. Catalonia is not SpainOkay, it is really. But, it's a tricky situation, especially... Read More
Travel Tips
The thunderous sound of hooves is barely audible over the roar of the crowd. You catch glimpses of multi-colored helmets bobbing up and down. The firm twist of reins pulls horses around treacherously steep corners.... Read More
It’s time to start getting ready for La Merce Barcelona 2019. Every year in early fall Barcelona throws this massive, largely free, street party. Imagine a city-wide Festa Major and then multiply that by about 100 and that’s La Merce. This is, without doubt, Barcelona’s biggest party so if you’re visiting Barcelona in September between the 20th and 24th, you have to check it out. To help you along, we’ve put together this rough guide. Enjoy.... Read More